Tag Archives: rights

Ron Paul says we are Broke!

1 Mar

He is on with Jack Cafferty.  We are broke and will be unable to pay back the huge debts we have:

Honesty is rare on TV these days.

“The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom.”

                                                                              -John Locke

The Invisible Bread Lines of the Greatest Depression

22 Feb

Here’s the hard numbers:


We are up to 37.9 Million on Food Stamps now.  For some states this is a year over year change of about 50%.  The only state that reduced rolls is Texas. 

As this depression becomes more engrained, the question becomes how long can this trend continue before the system collapses under it’s own weight.

Yes, I am referencing this guy….

4 Jan


He wrote some pretty profound ideas down that have all but been forgotten.

“All mankind… being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.”

“Government has no other end, but the preservation of property.”

“I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.”

“It is one thing to show a man that he is in an error, and another to put him in possession of the truth.”

“New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without anyother reason but because they are not already common.”

I would like to invoke the spirit of his ideas, that they might spread like wildfire on the tongues of men and women again.