Tag Archives: Harris

Kamala Harris and Fusion GPS Covered Up Planned Parenthood Body Parts Sales?

8 Sep

I don’t usually cover this controversial topic, but this has gone too far. Back in December of 2017 David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress revealed that the Trump DOJ had finally taken up a case against Planned Parenthood for all the undercover video exposing their transactional relationships with multiple organ sales and stem cell sales companies. Tucker Carlson and Daleiden discussed it here:


Fusion GPS

Little did I know at the time that previously in January of 2017, Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller, had discovered that Fusion GPS had been a Democrat PR smear firm used against Daleiden’s Center for Medical Progress when they first broke the Planned Parenthood Scandal. This is the same Fusion GPS that organized the SpyGate scandal.

Ross details:

In 2015, Planned Parenthood hired Fusion GPS to produce a “forensic report” that looked at videos released by the pro-life group Center for Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood officials negotiating the purchase of fetal tissue.

As The Weekly Standard reported, Fusion GPS pushed the report to Politico, which reported that the videos bore evidence of “manipulation.” There was no evidence that the videos had been manipulated, though they had been edited.

Read the full article below:


Kamala Harris

Now, just this week, Carlson had Daleiden on his show again to discuss Kamala Harris’ involvement with his original exposure of Planned Parenthood in those videos. Apparently many of the videos were made in California, so as CA AG Harris became involved. Of course we have another example of our two-tiered justice system.

She could have been even-handed and investigated both CMP for skirting the CA hidden video law, and Planned Parenthood for their illegal sale of baby organs. Instead she failed the blind justice principle and only investigated the conservative pro-life group. She used the law enforcement forces of CA to raid their computers and take all the source videos which CMP had used to expose Planned Parenthood. Basically California is prosecuting undercover journalism, which all legacy media used to do until not too long ago. This seems to be one more example of Democrats weaponizing the law enforcement mechanisms of the government for political gain and political coverup.

Mr. Daleiden explains:

Should Sam Harris Listen to His Own Advice on Trump?

19 Dec

Analysis of Sam’s podcast: “Biology and Culture: Sam Harris and Bret Weinstein”

Original Podcast. Jump to about 32 minute mark for the discussion below.

They were talking about the people who believe Bret is a racist from the protests against his email Spring 2017. They had a Day of Absence where they tried to force whites to leave campus. He refused. They tried to get him to resign.
Bret and his wife’s students know they aren’t racist. But they can’t convince their friends who believe they are racist. Sam described this situation as a Cult. Bret agrees. They both agree that if they were presented with new evidence, they would re-evaluate and look for something they missed. I agree with their analysis.


Bret Weinstein’s email response to being pressured to leave campus for Day of Absence.

Sam: “If I’ve been wrong publicly… If I thought someone was Satan and they turned out not to be. I would be so uncomfortable having to maintain that by neglect. I’m wired to immediately rectify that problem.”
Bret: “Intellectually honest brokers all reach the conclusion you suggested. At the point you discover you have got something really wrong, It’s very painful to get on the right side of it. But it’s way cheaper than NOT getting on the right side of it and continuing to pay the cost of being dead wrong.”

Now why is this interesting you might ask. It’s interesting and relevant because this is almost exactly what Sam has been doing with President Trump for the past year. As soon as Trump has gotten into office and his behaviors didn’t match up with the extremist rhetoric from the left, he should have taken note. But what we see is that he and others have continued to cling to smaller and smaller portions of their position. They may not believe he’s “literally Hitler”, or a white supremacist, or an authoritarian, but still want to hate him. Despite Trump returning power to the Judiciary, and power to Congress with DACA. Despite Trump’s rhetoric, he leaves the press and DOJ alone. Despite his rhetoric, he cooperates fully with the Special Counsel. All of these normal, reasonable Republican actions chip away at the cognitive dissonance of Sam and others. It seems that Sam and other leftists might do well to take their own advice in a situation where many are telling him that Trump isn’t the embodiment of his worst fears. Sam might find it helpful to re-evaluate so he doesn’t keep paying the price for continuing to be dead wrong. Best wishes Sam and many others I know. Share this with them, and start breaking down that cognitive dissonance.

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